Selling your business is a major decision!
Selling a business at any price is a tough proposition. Selling a business at the highest possible price in the shortest amount of time takes a proven system orchestrated by the best professionals in the industry.
At Indiana Equity Brokers, we know there are no shortcuts to selling a business. We know that it takes hard work, persistence, and experience to sell a business to the right buyer at the best price. We know these things because since 1996, we have sold hundreds of businesses and have become the premier firm in the industry. No other firm in Indiana has as many high quality businesses for sale. More business owners are choosing Indiana Equity Brokers.
Contact Us for a free, confidential, no obligation appointment to learn more.
Preparing to Sell
Can you increase the value of your business without increasing its profits? If you ask most brokers, they will draw a blank. However, the truth is that you can and it’s a pretty simple process. Indiana Equity Brokers can show you how to increase the value of your business by taking the appropriate steps to attract qualified buyers.
To achieve the best end result, smart business owners approach the selling process with the same planning and discipline that they use in the day to day operation of their business.
Indiana Equity Brokers Advantage
People: Our business brokers are attorneys, CPAs, engineers, sales executives and they have all owned and sold their own businesses. We possess the experience and knowledge base to guide you through the complicated process of maximizing the value from selling your business.
Marketing: No other firm markets the way we do. Our marketing process creates a demand for your company not found with other firms. Our research proactively identifies every possible buyer for your company. We don’t simply post a listing on our website and hope buyers find it. From our large database of buyers, strategic marketing plans, social media, seller videos, networking, old fashioned ‘getting on the phone and calling people’, we cast the widest net possible to find the right buyer.
Confidentiality: We maintain the strictest confidentiality when selling your business. All buyers are required to sign non-compete and confidentiality agreements. You are in control of who sees what information on your company. Preserving confidentiality is one of the main reasons to hire a business broker. Before a company name or location is given, a professional business broker will require any potential buyer to sign non-compete and confidentiality agreements. The broker effectively administers this important document and will not discuss a business with a prospective buyer until the confidentiality agreement has been signed.. See more details on maintaining confidentiality…
Selling Price: A professional business broker uses knowledge, skills, and experience in evaluating businesses, market awareness, and deal structures to ensure a seller gets the right price for the business. A business broker sells businesses daily and is well-informed about current supply and demand. The broker draws on their and the seller’s positions of strength to obtain the highest justifiable price. Understanding comparable cash flows and active business offerings enables the business broker to position buyers more effectively.
Negotiations: The old adage, “You cannot negotiate the best deal for yourself” certainly applies when trying to sell a business. A business owner is emotionally tied to the business. A business broker can negotiate for the owner because they don’t have those emotional connections. The only emotional interest is to operate in the owner’s best interests. He can weather the storms that inevitably arise with detachment. A seller often cannot. A broker foresees problems and deals with them, while a business owner going through the process for the first time could lose a deal because of an emotional reaction. You don’t do your own dental work and you don’t cut your own hair. You leave those tasks to skilled professionals.
Results: Since 1996, the professionals at Indiana Equity Brokers have sold hundreds of companies spanning practically every industry. Our award winning brokers have been recognized as some of the highest volume producing business brokers in the country.
What to Expect During the Selling Process
All of our brokers have been through the process of selling their own business and we have sold hundreds businesses for our clients. The professionals at Indiana Equity Brokers understand your concerns as a business owner contemplating a sale. We know you have questions and we are here to provide you with practical answers.
Sell Your Indiana Business
Every business is unique and selling a company is complex. .The emotional turmoil of letting your baby go is often the hardest part. Having a professional Indianapolis business broker on your side who knows how to sell your company and shields you from many of the hassles that come with such a complex and unique transaction is beneficial on multiple levels because of this.
Take the First Step
Contact Us for a free, confidential, no obligation appointment to learn more. If you want to find out the value of your business, just fill out the form to the left.