High End Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailer
Price: $1,100,000
Location: Indianapolils
Industry: Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores
Listing ID: IEB-105-82
Full service Retail Home Furnishings Business that has a long track record of offering high-end brands. Since inception, this business has made a name for itself at the top end of home furnishings. The company takes great pride in their excellent customer service and interor design services through a commitment to industry leading brands and an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction.
The company carries a large inventory from timeless classics to cutting-edge contemporary designs. The well-trained staff is well-versed in the latest trends and enduring styles. They stand ready to guide customers through an immersive shopping experience.
Total Sales: $4,100,000
Cash Flow: $435,000
Reason For Sale:
Type of Location: Leased
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